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Home Renovation and Home Accessibility Tax Credits
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Home Renovation and Home Accessibility Loans, Grants & Tax Credits - Federal and Provincial

Home renovation tax credits allow homeowners a tax credit for eligible renovation costs.  Some of these credits are non-refundable, so the tax credit can only be used to reduce taxes owing in the current taxation year.  When a tax credit is refundable, if the amount exceeds the tax otherwise payable in the year, a refund will be issued.

Canada Greener Homes Loan

Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative

Federal Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC) for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities - Non-Refundable - available for 2016 and later taxation years

Federal Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit - Refundable

BC Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities - Refundable

BC Secondary Suite Incentive Program

New Brunswick Seniors' Home Renovation Tax Credit - Refundable

Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit - Refundable - for 2021 & 2022 only

Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit for 2021 & 2022 - Non-Refundable - for all SK homeowners

Documentation for Home Renovation and Home Accessibility Tax Credits Resources

Canada Greener Homes Loan

bulletinterest-free loans of up to $40,000 to make your home more energy efficient
bullet2021 Federal Budget proposed $4.4 billion over 5 years, starting in 2021-2022, to help up to 175,000 homeowners complete major home retrofits through the interest-free loans

See CMHC's Canada Greener Homes Loan.

See Life in the Tax Lane June 2022 from Video Tax News re income tax implications.

Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative

bulletpre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation is required
bulletat least one eligible recommended retrofit must be completed
bulletcopies of all documents must be provided, and kept until March 31, 2028
bulletAll mechanical and electrical systems, with the exception of thermostats, must be installed by a licensed and trained professional.
bulletGrant can be requested for:
bulletup to $5,000 total for completed eligible retrofits undertaken after Dec 1, 2020
bulletup to $600 for the combined cost of your pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations

See the following from Natural Resources Canada:

Learn about the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative

Eligible retrofits and grant amounts

Federal Home Renovation Tax Credits

Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC) for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities - Non-Refundable - available for 2016 and later taxation years

Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit (MHRTC)

Provincial Home Renovation Tax Credits

The following articles discuss the provincial home renovation tax credits:

BC Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities - Refundable

New Brunswick Seniors' Home Renovation Tax Credit - Refundable

Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit - Refundable - for 2021 & 2022 only

Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit for 2021 & 2022 - Non-Refundable - for all SK homeowners

Documentation for Home Renovation and Home Accessibility Tax Credits

Make sure you have the documentation you need to support your HRTC claim.  The type and quantity of goods purchased or services provided must be clearly identified on any agreements, invoices and receipts.  Required information includes, but is not limited to:

bullet information that clearly identifies the vendor/contractor, including the business address, and if applicable, the GST/HST registration number;
bullet the date the goods or services were purchased or provided;
bullet a description of the work performed including the address where the work was performed; and
bullet the amount paid. Resources

First Time Homebuyers' Tax Credits

Persons with Disabilities - links to all related information on

Real Estate and Canadian Tax Issues, Home Buyer Incentives

Revised: July 18, 2024


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