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Federal Personal Tax Breakdown
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Statistics -> Federal personal income tax breakdown

Personal Income Tax Breakdown

Effective Tax Rates and High-Income Canadians, 2019

Statistics Canada published a document in November 2021 providing statistics on effective tax rates and other information, titled Effective tax rates and high-income Canadians, 2019.

Table 3 of the document shows the average effective tax rates, including federal and provincial/territorial income tax and federal payroll tax, for all tax filers, and for the top 1% taxfilers based on average total income.  The average effective tax rate is shown for Canada overall, and for each province. The 3 territories are combined.

Average effective tax rates 2018 and 2019 (both are the same) for Canada:

bullettop 1% taxfilers 31.7%
bulletall tax filers 11.8%

Unfortunately, the document doesn't provide the same information as the study below done for 1990 to 2002.

2005 Study re 1990 to 2002

Statistics Canada published a study in 2005 titled Federal Personal Income Tax:  Slicing the Pie, which examines the breakdown of federal personal income taxes paid by high and low income earners in Canada, from 1990 to 2002.  Income earners were divided into 3 groups for the study:

bullet10% of taxpayers with the highest incomes

This group included taxpayers earning:

bulletover $48,700 in 1990
bulletover $64,500 in 2002


bullet50% of taxpayers with the lowest incomes

This group included taxpayers earning:

bullet$19,000 or less in 1990
bullet$23,000 or less in 2002


bullet40%, or remaining taxpayers, with intermediate incomes

This group included taxpayers earning:

bullet$19,001 to $48,700 in 1990
bullet$23,001 to $64,500 in 2002

The following tables summarize the results of the study.

a.    Share of federal personal income tax paid by the 3 groups of taxpayers in Canada

Income  group % of federal personal
income taxes paid
1990 2002
50% with lowest incomes 6.7% 4.4%
40% with intermediate incomes 47.3% 43.0%
10% with highest incomes 46.0% 52.6%
All Canadian taxfilers 100.0% 100.0%


b.    Effective federal personal income tax rates paid by the 3 groups

Income  group Federal tax as % of income
1990 2002
50% with lowest incomes 4.30% 2.89%
40% with intermediate incomes 11.75% 10.14%
10% with highest incomes 17.79% 16.47%
All Canadian taxfilers 12.25% 11.18%


c.    Share of total income of the 3 groups

Income  group % of total income
1990 2002
50% with lowest incomes 19.0% 16.9%
40% with intermediate incomes 49.3% 47.4%
10% with highest incomes 31.7% 35.7%
All Canadian taxfilers 100.0% 100.0%

All information in this article adapted from Statistics Canada publication No. 11-621-MIE2005024, April 22, 2005.

Revised: October 26, 2023


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