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BC PST Errors
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Home  ->  Provincial Sales Tax   ->   BC PST   -> BC PST errors

BC PST Common Errors

Some items which are exempt from PST but have often been sold with PST charged in error included:

bullet web hosting accounts, where internet service (or e-mail service) is NOT bundled with the web hosting
bullet electricity being supplied to a residence via a temporary power pole
bullet rental of equipment when an operator is part of the rental
bullet testing - for example, motor vehicle testing required on a regular basis for commercial trucks and trailers
bullet some safety items such as chainsaw safety pads
bullet children's sportswear, including wet suits
bullet some insulation products, such as Great Stuff Foam

If you are charged PST in error, and are not able to get a refund from the supplier, you can request a refund from the BC Provincial Government Consumer Taxation Department.  You will have to provide copies of the invoices on which the PST was charged.  The BC government Provincial Sales Tax Forms page includes form FIN 413 Application for a refund of social service tax (PST) or hotel room tax, under the heading of Refunds.  They will only refund amounts of $10 or more.

See the article which lists many items which are exempt from PST in BC.  This list includes many items which were added to the PST exempt list effective February 20, 2008.

Revised: May 29, 2024


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