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2019 Canadian Income Tax Calculator
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 Type amounts into yellow cells.  Tab or use your mouse to click on the next cell.  
 Amounts are recalculated automatically when you tab out of a cell or click elsewhere with your mouse, or click the Calculate button. 
 Choose your province 
 Tax Year 
 To open links without closing the calculator, right-click on the link and select open in new window. 
Combined Taxes Payable
 Birth year 
Birth year is needed for
CPP premiums and many
tax credits. Not needed
if you are age 19 to 64.
Birth year is needed for
CPP premiums and many
tax credits. Not needed
if you are age 19 to 64.
 Birth month (needed for CPP premiums if turning 18 or 70 during year) 
 Are you eligible to claim the disability amount tax credit? 
Disability Tax Credit
To qualify, a form T2201
Disability Tax Credit
Certificate must be
completed by a qualified
person (usually a medical
doctor), certified and
 Are you single? (must be "N" to calculate spouse tax) 
 Are you eligible to claim the Canada Workers' Benefit (formerly WITB)? 
To be eligible, must be resident
in Canada throughout the year.
Must be 19 yrs old (unless
single parent, or married or
living common-law). NOT
eligible if in prison for at least
90 days during tax year. Click
on link for further information.
<- Grand Total
Do you have dependants or caregiver credits to claim, or disability transfer from dependant?
 INCOME   Taxable Income 
Income from:
Federal Line#  Taxpayer 
Employment (T4 box 14) 10100/10400
Other Income Line 104
should be included here,
but do not include it in
insurable earnings or
pensionable earnings
Other Income Line 104
should be included here,
but do not include it in
insurable earnings or
pensionable earnings
Are you required to pay EI premiums on ALL the above earnings (up to annual max)?
If you answered "N" above, please enter the insurable amount of your earnings, if any, below:
EI insurable earnings     
EI insurable earnings:
Usually same as employment earnings
Are you required to pay CPP contributions on ALL the above earnings (up to annual max)?
Required to pay CPP?
Use if you are 65 to 70 and have
elected to NOT pay CPP
premiums after starting to collect
your CPP retirement pension.
Also need to enter # of months
elected, below.
Use if you turned 18 or 70 in the
year, and also enter your birth
month above.
If you answered "N" above, please enter the pensionable amount of your earnings, if any, below:
CPP pensionable earnings     
CPP pensionable earnings:
Usually same as employment earnings
Employment insurance regular benefits (EI)  (T4E box 15, if rate in box 7 is 30%)
EI benefits:
If your EI benefits are not subject to
clawback, enter them as "Other income"
below. There is no clawback when (1) a
claimant was paid regular EI benefits for
less than one week in the ten years
prior to the taxation year of the current
benefits, or (2) the EI benefits are
"special benefits", such as (a)
pregnancy, maternity, or parental
benefits, (b) benefits due to a
prescribed illness, injury or quarantine,
or (c) compassionate care benefits.

Old Age Security (OAS) (T4A(OAS) box 18) 11300
CPP/QPP retirement or disability pension (T4A(P) box 20) 11400
CPP retirement pension:
Also enter # of months that
you were collecting CPP
during the year, if you are
>65 and have elected to
not pay CPP contributions.
# months in year collecting CPP pension
If you are 65 to 70 and collecting CPP, please indicate the # of months, if any, for which
    you are electing to NOT make CPP contributions in the year
Self-employment income (include bus. income/loss from rentals) 13500-14300
Rental income can be
business or property
income. These are
treated differently for tax
purposes. Click the link for
more information.
Property income/loss from
rentals goes in Other
CPP pensionable self-employment earnings 
Capital gains in excess of capital losses (zero if negative) - actual, not taxable
Cdn dividends eligible for enhanced div tax credit (T5 box 24) Actual divs
Cdn non-eligible dividends (T5 box 10) Actual divs
RRSP/RRIF withdrawals (when not eligible for pension tax credit)
Other income (EI special benefits, interest, foreign dividends, some pensions, etc)
Other income includes:
-Interest, foreign dividends
-Property income/loss from rentals
-Pension income for age< 65,
unless it is qualified pension income
-Retiring allowance (severance)
-Other income
Pension income (eligible for pension tax credit for persons 65+)
Qualified pension income (eligible for pension credit for any age)
  Qualified pension income (eligible for pension tax credit even if taxpayer is under 65) includes
   - life annuity payments from a superannuation or pension plan
   - pmts from a RRIF, or annuity pmts from an RRSP or from a DPSP, received as a result of the death of a spouse or common-law partner.
Workers' compensation benefits (box 10 on the T5007 slip) 14400
Social assistance payments 14500
Net federal supplements (box 21 on the T4A (OAS) slip) 14600
Workers' compensation, social assistance and net federal supplements are included above, and deducted below to arrive at taxable income.
NS Seniors with GIS income on line 146 and provincial taxes payable on line 428 may get a refund of tax. Subtotal
Do you have pension income that you would like to split?
Pension splitting - maximum allowable is 50% of eligible pension income.  Make sure birth year entered for both Taxpayer and Spouse.
Make sure marital status above is correct, and enter number of months married.
Number of months married or living common-law
A. Total pension income eligible for pension tax credit (based on age)
Maximum pension amount transferable (50% x A/12 x #months married)
Amount that you are electing to transfer - from taxpayer to spouse
Amount that you are electing to transfer - from spouse to taxpayer
Transfer of pension income Line 116 $ from taxpayer to spouse 
$ from spouse to taxpayer 
 Any resulting additions to pension income are shown here, and reductions to income are in deductions area on Line 210. 
After pension splitting - pension income eligible for pension tax credit
Transfer of tax withheld from pension income that is eligible for pension splitting:  The tax deducted from pension income should also be included in the "Total income tax deducted" (at bottom). 
Total tax withheld from pension income (A above) of taxpayer  
Only include taxes
deducted from the
pension income which
is eligible for pension
Total tax withheld from pension income (A above) of spouse  
Only include taxes
deducted from the
pension income which
is eligible for pension
Total income for tax purposes - line 15000
RRSP deduction 20800
Other deductions (RPP, union dues, child care, interest expense, etc.)
Child care costs - not checked to see if exceeding limits 21400
Deduction for elected split-pension amount 21000
Deduction for enhanced CPP contributions on employment income 22215
Deduction for enhanced CPP contributions on self-employment income 22200
Deduction for 50% of CPP contributions on self-employment income 22200
Net income before adjustments (for calculation of clawbacks, zero if negative) - Line 23400
Clawback of EI and OAS including Net Federal Supplements 23500
Net income for tax purposes - Line 23600
Workers' compensation, social assistance, federal supplements deduction 25500
Net capital losses of other years (after Oct 17, 2000) 25300
Non-capital losses of other years / Capital gains deduction 25200/25400
Northern residents deduction - not checked - use Form T2222 25500
Taxable income (zero if negative) - Line 26000
Less dividend gross-up
Add back non-taxable portion of capital gains less capital losses carried forward
Add back deductions for regular & enhanced CPP contributions (treated as another tax for the average tax rate calculation)
Add back clawbacks (the clawbacks are treated as another tax for the average tax rate calculation)
Adjusted taxable income (zero if negative) for average tax rate calculation at bottom
Click on links for more information on each tax credit  Taxpayer 
* Public transit costs: ON only, for 66+ in year
Child Fitness Amounts
* Refundable YT child fitness-max $1,000 ea up to age 16
* MB fitness tax credit - max $500 for up to age 24
Child Arts Amounts - click on link for more information
* MB/YT child arts 
Home Buyers / Home Renovations
Federal first-time home buyers' tax credit (max $5,000 per qualifying home)
Federal home accessibility tax credit (max $10,000)
* SK first-time home buyers' tax credit (max $10,000 per qualifying home)
BC Seniors home renovation tax credit - refundable (max $10,000 per home)
NB Seniors home renovation tax credit - refundable (max $10,000 per home)
Tuition/education transfer from 1 or more children or grandchildren
* Transfer of Federal tuition/education amounts from current year
Maximum transfer $5,000 per student
* Transfer of Provincial tuition/education amounts from current year
* These are not checked to ensure that the maximum allowable amount is not exceeded, but ON seniors' transit amount is checked for age.
Medical Expenses / Charitable Donations
Medical expenses-usually best claimed by lower income spouse
Charitable donations-usually best claimed by higher income spouse
Donations carried forward from prior years
Donations in current taxation year
Max donations = 75% of net income. Does not account for % increase re donated capital property.
Fitness and activity credits can be split between spouses, are available to greater age for child with disability
(except MB), and double the amount is available for child with disability.
Medical and donations can be claimed by either spouse-see which one works best.
Donations can be carried forward and used in a future year, or split with spouse.
Medical expenses can be claimed for any 12 month period ending in the tax year.
Homebuyers' tax credit can be shared by spouses - see what works best.
Tax credits for age, pension, disability, and family caregiver for infirm minor children (Fed/YT) are automatically transferred to other spouse if unused.        
Do you want to claim student loan interest, tuition, or education/textbook amounts?
Students Taxpayer
Student loan interest (can be carried fwd up to 5 years) 31900
Unused tuition/education/text amounts from prior year: Federal
Resident of different province at the previous year end - use the federal unused tuition/education/textbook amount as the provincial amount, unless moved to ON or PE.  If moved to ON from another province you CANNOT claim unused amounts.  If moved to PE from QC use federal amount, otherwise use lower of federal or provincial amounts.        
Disabled students - claim full time months for part time months enrolled.
Eligible tuition fees - Federal See above re transfer from child/grandchild
Eligible tuition fees - Provincial
Provincial education / textbook amounts Part time
Full time
Unused tuition/education/textbook amounts before transfers to spouse Federal
Maximum allowable transfer from spouse   Federal
Unused amounts to transfer from spouse   Federal
These transfers show as part of "Amounts transferred from spouse". Provincial
Basic personal amount Line 30000
Age amount (reduced above certain income levels)
Spouse/equivalent, plus family caregiver amt (Fed/YT) if applicable Line 30300/30400
Can. caregiver amt for spouse (Fed/BC/YT), or eligible dep. age 18+ (Fed/BC/ON/YT) Line 30425
Note that line 30425 is reduced by any amount claimed on lines 30300/30400
Canada/BC/ON/YT Caregiver amount age 18+ Line 30450
Family caregiver amount for infirm minor children Line 30500 (Fed/YT)
Amount for infirm dependants age 18+ (other than Fed/BC/ON/YT) Line 58200
Caregiver amount (other than Fed/BCON/YT) Line 58400
SK dependent children under 19 Line 58210
Senior supplementary (SK) Line 58220
Amount for children under 6 (NS, NU, PE) Line 58230
Family tax benefit (MB) Schedule MB428-A Line 61470
Employment insurance Lines 31200
CPP on empl earnings (excluding Enhanced CPP deducted above) Line 30800
1/2 CPP on self-empl earnings (excluding Enhanced CPP deducted above) Line 31000
Pension amount Line 31400
Canada employment credit amount (Fed/YT) Line 31260
Child care costs (NL only) Line 58320
Child fitness (MB) Line 58325
Children's arts amount (MB, YT) Line 58326
Fed/SK first-time homebuyers' amount Line 31270
Federal home accessibility tax credit Line 31285
Disability amount for self Line 31600
Disability amount transferred from a dependant Line 31800
Tuition, education and textbook amounts Line 32300
Tuition /education amounts transferred from a child/grandchild Line 32400
Amounts transferred from spouse Schedule 2 Line 32600
Medical expenses Line 33099
Student loan interest (see bottom for amount unused)  Line 31900
Subtotal for non-refundable tax credits (B) Line 33500
Line 33800 Non-refundable tax credits @ (B) x
Donations tax credit Schedule 9 Line 34900
Total non-refundable tax credits before dividend tax credits Line 35000 (C)
Tax subtotal before dividend tax credits Line 40600 (A) - (C)
Ontario provincial surtax
Dividend tax credit for eligible dividends Line 40425
Dividend tax credit for non-eligible dividends Line 40425
Less minimum tax carryover (enter as positive)-only used if zero amt current year
Additional tax for alternative minimum tax (AMT)
Provincial surtax except Ontario
Low income tax reduction - non-refundable
ON low income individuals and families tax (LIFT) credit - non-refundable
NS age tax credit for low income seniors - non-refundable
BC/NB seniors refundable home reno tax credit
ON refundable seniors' public transit tax credit, if age 66+ in tax year
ON refundable CARE childcare credit
YT refundable child fitness tax credit
Federal refundable medical expense supplement Line 45200
Federal refundable Canada Workers Benefit Schedule 6 Line 45300
Newfoundland & Labrador temporary deficit reduction levy (2019 only)
Ontario health premium
Climate Action Incentive - AB, MB, ON, SK (2019) - claim for taxpayer or spouse, not both  Enter as negative amt 
Enter as negative amt
Other refundable tax credits available in BC, MB, ON, NU, SK, YT - choose below, and enter the amount of the credit as a NEGATIVE amount (not checked)                
Income tax payable (refundable if negative)
Clawback payable re EI and OAS Line 42200
CPP & enhanced CPP payable on self-employment income Line 42100
Total taxes, clawbacks & CPP (refundable if negative)  before deducting taxes paid 
Total income tax deducted (information slips/instalments) - not CPP/EI premiums
Income tax deducted:
Include both federal and
provincial income tax paid.
Do not include CPP
contributions or EI
premiums shown on T4.
 include all income tax paid 
Transfer of withholding tax re pension splitting
Adjusted total income tax credits
Balance payable (refund due if negative) after above payments/credits
CPP & enhanced CPP paid on employment income
EI paid on employment income
Total taxes, clawbacks, CPP/EI premiums
Adjusted taxable income before taxes / before RRSP deduction
Adjusted taxable income after taxes / before RRSP deduction
Tax savings re RRSPs / % tax savings - see note below re marginal tax rate
Average tax rate based on adjusted taxable income (actual income)
= total taxes & clawbacks (not CPP/EI) divided by adjusted taxable income
Notes:  To determine your marginal tax rate put your actual RRSP deduction into "Other deductions", and enter $10 in the RRSP deduction field.  The % tax savings is your marginal tax rate.
RRSP contributions by one spouse may also reduce the taxes payable of the other spouse - this is not reflected in the RRSP savings.
Unused student loan interest
Donations in excess of 75% of net income - carry forward
 Alternative minimum tax (AMT) is estimated based on available information, and is only useful as it relates to capital gains and Canadian dividends. 
This calculator is intended to be used for planning purposes.  It does not include every available tax credit.  We strive for accuracy, but cannot guarantee it.
Calculations are based on rates known as of July 29, 2020.
 Do you have children age 18 or less at December 31 of the taxation year? 
# children age 6 or less at Dec 31 of tax year -born 
Children age 6 or less:
Used for NS, NU and PE child amount for children less than 6 yrs old, and for equivalent to
spouse credit.
Children age 6 or less: total # of months claimed  for these children, for NS/NU/PE amount for young children:
NS or PE - total # of months which will be used for the child amount tax credit.
For instance, for a child born in July, claim 5 months in the year born.
For a child turning 6 in February, claim 2 months.
In NS and NU, no months can be claimed for a child claimed as an eligible dependent.
# children age 7 to 16 at Dec 31 of tax year -born  
Children age 16 or less:
Used for YT
child fitness tax credit and
equivalent to spouse credit.
# children age 17 at Dec 31 of tax year -born  
Children age 17:
Used for equivalent to
spouse credit, and for
NS sport and recreational
activity credit.
Total # children age 17 or less at Dec 31
# children age 18 at Dec 31
Children age 18:
For equivalent to spouse,
MB Family Tax Benefit and
Refundable Personal Tax
Credit, ON/NS/PE Tax
Reduction, and SK Child
Amount Tax Credit. The SK
child amount must be claimed
first by the lower income
spouse. Unused amounts will
automatically be transferred to
the higher income spouse by
the calculator (included in
Amounts transferred from
spouse in the taxes and
premiums area).
Total # children age 18 or less at Dec 31
 Can you claim a child or other eligible relative as an eligible dependant (equivalent to spouse)? 
 Eligible Dependant (Equivalent to Spouse) Credit 
Child claimed as equiv. to spouse should be included above also.
If eligible, claim the equivalent to spouse (eligible dependant) tax credit for ONE of the following dependants:
Child age 18 or less at the end of year
Equivalent to spouse:
To determine if you are
eligible for this credit,
click on link for more
 Age of this child at the end of year (zero if under 1) 
OR other eligible relative age 18+
Equivalent to spouse:
To determine if you are
eligible for this credit,
click on link for more
Are you able to claim the Family/Canada Caregiver Amount for this person (child or other)?  
Don't claim the Canada Caregiver Amount here for an infirm child under 18 unless they are your eligible dependant - this is done in the section below the disability transfer section.
 Net income of dependant claimed as equivalent to spouse 
 Do you want to transfer the disability tax credit from a dependant? 
Transfer Disability Tax Credit from Dependant - Federal Federal Line 31600
Dependants Dependant A Dependant B Dependant C Dependant D Line #
Transfer credit to
For a dependant under 18 years of age at December 31 - supplement calculation:
Is the dependant under 18 at Dec 31?
Please note that although we have done our best to ensure that these calculations are correct, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Maximum supplement 1
Child/attendant care exp claimed for dep. 2
Less base amount 3
Subtotal exp - base (zero if negative) 4
Max supplement less subtotal (zero if neg) 5
Line 31800 Line#
Base Amount 1
Add supplement for dependant under 18 2
Subtotal 3
Total from dependant's Schedule 1 Lines 1 to 19 4
Subtotal 5
Dependant's taxable income (line 260) 6
Net amount 7
Disability amount transfer=lesser of lines 3 & 7
Transferred to Taxpayer Total Taxpayer
Transferred to Spouse Total Spouse
Transfer Disability Tax Credit from Dependant - Provincial/Territorial
Dependants Dependant A Dependant B Dependant C Dependant D Line #
For a dependant under 18 years of age at December 31 - supplement calculation:
Is the dependant under 18 at Dec 31?
Maximum supplement 1
Child/attendant care exp claimed for dep. 2
Less base amount 3
Subtotal exp - base (zero if negative) 4
Max supplement less subtotal (zero if neg) 5
Line 58480 Line#
Base Amount 1
Add supplement for dependant under 18 2
Subtotal 3
Subtotal 5
Dependant's taxable income (line 260) 6
Disability amount transfer 7
Disability amount transfer=lesser of lines 3 & 7
Transferred to Taxpayer Total Taxpayer
Transferred to Spouse Total Spouse
Can you claim tax credits for parents or grandparents living with you, or any infirm adult or minor dependants, including spouse?
 Infirm Spouse and Infirm Children Under 18 
Canada Caregiver Amount information
 Taxpayer   Spouse 
Are you able to claim the Family/Canada Caregiver Amount for your infirm spouse?
 Selecting Y above will apply to the Federal, BC & YT caregiver amount for the spouse. For other prov/terr, there is no claim for spouse. 
For how many infirm children under 18 are you claiming the Family/Canada Caregiver Amount?   <-other than infirm eligible dependant 
To be claimed by
 Parents, Grandparents and Infirm Adult Dependants 
 Choose the caregiver credit for your province - the Federal credit will also be determined by this. 
The caregiver credits that can be claimed are:
1 Caregiver - in Home, Infirm Adult <-does not include spouse - see above for spouse
2 Parent/Grdprnt 65+ in Your Home-not infirm <-Not available Federal, BC, ON or YT
3 Infirm Adult 18+ not in home
Dependants Dependant 1 Dependant 2 Dependant 3 Dependant 4
Please note that although we have done our best to ensure that these calculations are correct, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Tax Credit Claimed
Dependant Net Income
Federal Claim Amount
Taxpayer Claim Amount
Spouse Claim Amount
Total Claimed
ProvincialTerritorial Claim Amounts
Taxpayer Claim Amount
Spouse Claim Amount
Total Claimed
Note that there is no federal, BC, ON or YT tax credit for parent/grandparent living with you if they are not infirm.
These tax credits can be split between 2 or more supporting taxpayers, but total claim cannot be more than maximum allowed for that dependant.
If the total amount claimed above exceeds the maximum allowable, the amount claimed will be reduced automatically. Detailed Canadian Tax & RRSP Savings Calculator
Tax Year
Income from: Taxpayer
EI regular benefits
Old Age Security (OAS)
CPP/QPP retirement or disability pension
Capital gains
Cdn eligible dividends
Cdn non-eligible dividends
RRSP/RRIF withdrawals
Other income
Pension income
Qualified pension income
Workers' compensation benefits
Social assistance payments
Net federal supplements
Pension split with spouse
Total income for tax purposes - Line 15000
RRSP deduction
Other deductions
Child care costs
Pension split with spouse
Enhanced CPP contributions employment income
Enhanced CPP contributions self-employment income
50% of regular CPP contributions on self-employment income
Clawback of EI and OAS including Net Federal Supplements
Net income for tax purposes - Line 23600
Workers' comp., social assistance, federal supplements deduction
Net capital losses of other years
Non-capital losses of other years / Capital gains deduction
Northern residents deduction
Taxable income (zero if negative) - Line 26000
Taxpayer Spouse
Federal Federal
Tax before non-refundable tax credits (A) Line 40400
Basic personal amount
Age amount 
Spouse/equivalent, plus family caregiver amt (Fed/YT) 
Caregiver amt for spouse (Fed/BC/YT), or eligible dep. 18+ (Fed/BC/ON/YT)
Canada/BC/ON/YT Caregiver amount age 18+
Family caregiver amount for infirm minor children
Amount for infirm dependants age 18+ (other than Fed/BC/ON/YT)
Caregiver amount (other than Fed/BCON/YT)
SK dependent children under 19
Senior supplementary (SK)
Amount for children under 6 (NS, NU, PE)
Family tax benefit (MB)
Employment insurance
CPP on empl earnings (excluding Enhanced CPP deducted above)
1/2 CPP on self-empl earnings (excluding Enhanced CPP deducted above)
Pension amount
Canada employment credit amount (Fed/YT)
Child care costs (NL only)
Child fitness (MB)
Children's arts amount (MB, YT)
Fed/SK first-time homebuyers' amount
Federal home accessibility tax credit
Disability amount for self
Disability amount transferred from a dependant
Tuition, education and textbook amounts
Tuition /education amounts transferred from a child/grandchild
Amounts transferred from spouse
Medical expenses
Student loan interest
Subtotal for non-refundable tax credits Line 33500
Tax credit rate
Line 33800 Non-refundable tax credits
Donations tax credit
Non-refundable tax credits before dividend tax credits Line 35000
Tax subtotal before dividend tax credits - Line 40600
Ontario provincial surtax
Dividend tax credit eligible dividends
Dividend tax credit non-eligible dividends
Minimum tax carryover
Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
Provincial surtax except Ontario
Low income tax reduction - non-refundable
ON low income individuals and families tax (LIFT) credit - non-refundable
NS age tax credit for low income seniors - non-refundable
BC/NB seniors refundable home reno tax credit
ON refundable seniors' public transit tax credit, if age 66+ in tax year
ON refundable CARE childcare credit
YT refundable child fitness tax credit
Federal refundable medical expense supplement
Federal refundable Canada Workers Benefit Schedule 6
NL temporary deficit reduction levy (2019 only)
Ontario health premium
Climate Action Incentive - AB, MB, ON, SK (2019) 
BC refundable sales tax credit
Other refundable provincial tax credits
Income tax payable (refundable if negative)
Clawback payable re EI and OAS
CPP & enhanced CPP payable on self-employment income
Total taxes, clawback and CPP (refundable if negative)
Less income tax deducted
Transfer of withholding tax re pension splitting
Balance payable (refund due if negative)
Grand total payable (refundable) taxpayer & spouse

Questions or comments on the Detailed Canadian Income Tax calculator? 
We normally reply within 1 business day - no reply? Please check your spam folder.

Revised: August 29, 2024


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