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New Brunswick Personal Tax Credits

New Brunswick Non-Refundable Personal Tax Credits

Non-Refundable Personal Tax Credits Tables

 - federal & all provinces and territories

Dividend Tax Credits

NB Low Income Tax Reduction

NB Income Tax Act s. 49.1
bulletfor low income individuals and families
bulletamount received depends on family net income
bulletcannot exceed NB tax payable (not refundable)

For current and past threshold amounts for the low income tax reduction, see the New Brunswick Department of Finance Personal Income Tax page.

See Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) form NB428 from the New Brunswick General Income Tax and Benefit Package page for detailed calculation.

New Brunswick Low-Income Seniors' Benefit

As proposed by the New Brunswick 2024 Budget, this benefit is being permanently increased to $600 from $400 effective January 1, 2024, and will be indexed for inflation each year beginning 2025.

To qualify for the $600 annual benefit, an applicant must have been a resident of New Brunswick on December 31 of the previous year, and a recipient of a benefit under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), notably:

bulletthe federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) during the prior year (must be 65 years or older
bulletthe federal Allowance for the Survivor during the prior year (must be between 60-64 years old) or
bulletthe federal Allowance during the prior year (must be between 60-64 years old)

When both spouses receive the GIS and reside in the same household, only one benefit will be granted.  However, if the spouses live separately, such as when one is in a nursing home, both will be eligible for the benefit.

See Low-Income Seniors' Benefit on the NB website.

New Brunswick Volunteer Firefighter, Search and Rescue Tax Credit

As proposed by the New Brunswick 2024 Budget, a credit of $5,000 can be claimed, starting in the 2024 taxation year, for those eligible to claim the Federal Volunteer Firefighter or Search & Rescue Tax Credit. As with the federal credit, only 1 credit can be claimed.

New Brunswick Refundable Personal Tax Credits

NB Seniors' Home Renovation Tax Credit

NB Tuition Tax Cash Back Credit (Tuition Rebate) - Repealed

New Brunswick Tuition Tax Cash Back Credit Act - repealed Jan 1, 2016

As announced in the NB 2015 Budget, the Tuition Rebate is being eliminated.  Individuals may apply until December 31, 2015 for the 2014 taxation year.  As of January 2016, no more applications will be accepted, and credits are not carried forward after December 31, 2015.

The New Brunswick tuition tax cash back credit is available to taxpayers who:

bulletgraduated from an eligible post-secondary institution from anywhere in the world
bullethave incurred full or part-time tuition costs at eligible post-secondary institutions in 2005 or later years
bulletare a resident of New Brunswick
bulletfile a New Brunswick personal income tax return, and
bullethave New Brunswick income tax payable

Eligible institutions are those for which the federal/provincial tuition tax credit is available, which includes Canadian and some foreign post-secondary institutions.

The tuition tax rebate:

bulletis for 50% of eligible tuition costs incurred from January 1, 2005
bulletis a maximum of $4,000 per year ($2,000 in 2008 and earlier years - revised by the NB 2009 Budget)
bulletcannot exceed NB income tax payable each year, but remaining credits can be carried forward
bullethas a lifetime maximum rebate of $20,000
bulletmust be claimed within 20 years, starting with and including the first year you paid tuition to apply for your rebate
bulletmay not be transferred to anyone else
bulletdoes not affect the current tuition and education amount tax credits
bulletcan be claimed for the first time when tax returns are filed for the 2006 tax year

For more information, see the Tuition Rebate web page on the Government of New Brunswick website.

Revised: September 20, 2024



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