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Ontario LIFT Credit
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Ontario Low-income Individual and Families Tax (LIFT) Credit - Non-Refundable

also known as Low-Income Workers Tax Credit

Ontario Taxation Act, 2007 s. 21.1

The LIFT credit is in effect for low-income workers residing in Ontario, for the 2019 and subsequent taxation years.

The Ontario 2022 Budget provides an Enhancement to the LIFT Credit effective January 1, 2022:
bulletMaximum individual benefit increased from $850 to $875
bulletMaximum benefit for couples increased from $1,700 to $1,750
bulletPhase-out rate reduced from 10% to 5%
bulletIndividual income range for benefit reduction increased
bulletwas $30,000 to $38,500
bulletwill be $32,500 to $50,000
bulletFamily income range over which benefit is reduced increased
bulletwas $60,000 to $68,500
bulletwill be $65,000 to $85,000

The LIFT credit is based on the individual's employment income - self-employment income is not used for this credit.

There is no LIFT credit if there is no employment income, nor is there a LIFT credit if there is no provincial income tax otherwise payable.

An individual with only employment income will have zero provincial income tax with employment income up to approximately $30,490 in 2022.  However, the Ontario Health Premium is payable on taxable income greater than $20,000.

The LIFT credit is reduced to zero at employment income of approximately $50,350 in 2022.

Both of the above amounts are if the individual has no income other than employment income.

2022 LIFT Credit Calculation Examples - Single Individuals and Married Couple

The LIFT credit is included in the Detailed Canadian Tax and RRSP Savings Calculators.  The examples below are for very simple income cases - use the calculator to see your LIFT credit calculation.

Single Individual LIFT Credit for 2022

Let's consider Jessie (J), Kelsey (K) and Laurie (L), all single individuals

    - J has $36,000 of employment income and no other income or deductions
    - K has $31,000 of employment income and no other income or deductions
    - L has $23,000 of employment income and no other income or deductions

LIFT Credit examples for 3 different single individuals
    J K L
Employment income A $36,000 $31,000 $23,000
Employment income x lowest tax rate of 5.05% B $1,818.00 $1,565.50 $1,161.50
Lesser of B and LIFT maximum of $875 C 875.00 875.00 875.00
Adjusted individual net income:        
     - Employment income A $36,000 $31,000 $23,000
     - Less deduction for enhanced CPP contribution 0.75% x (A - $3,500)   (243.75) (206.25) (146.25)
Adjusted income (in this case also taxable income) D $35,756.25 $30,793.75 $22,853.75
Excess over threshold (D - $32,500 (zero if negative) E $3,256.25 $0 $0
Reduction of LIFT credit 5% x E F 162.81 0 0
Maximum LIFT credit = C - F G $712.19 $875.00 $875.00
Provincial income tax before LIFT credit H $1,133.10 $898.98 $524.39
Less LIFT credit (lesser of G and H) I ($712.19) ($875.00) ($524.39)
Ontario health premium J 300.00 300.00 171.23
Net provincial income tax payable H - I + J   $720.91 $323.98 $171.23

Married Couple LIFT Credit for 2022

Let's consider married couple Jessie (J) and Kelsey (K): 

    - J has $38,000 of employment income and no other income or deductions
    - K has $29,000 of employment income and no other income or deductions.  Note:  If K had no employment income, K would receive no LIFT credit.

LIFT Credit example for married couple
    J K
Employment income A $38,000 $29,000
Employment income x lowest tax rate of 5.05% B $1,919.00 $1,464.50
Lesser of B and LIFT maximum of $875 C $875.00 $875.00
Adjusted individual net income:      
     - Employment income A $38,000.00 $29,000.00
     - Less deduction for enhanced CPP contribution 0.75% x (A - $3,500)   (258.75) (191.25)
Adjusted individual income (in this case also taxable income) D $37,741.25 $28,808.75
Adjusted family income (sum of J + K adjusted individual incomes) D2 $66,550.00 $66,550.00
Excess over individual threshold (D - $32,500) (zero if negative) E $5,241.25 $0
Reduction of LIFT credit 5% x E F (262.06) 0
Maximum LIFT credit using individual income = C + F G $612.94 $875.00
Excess over family threshold (D2 - $65,000) (zero if negative) E2 $1,550.00 $1,550.00
Reduction of LIFT credit 5% x E2 F2 (77.50) (77.50)
Maximum LIFT credit using family income = C + F2 G2 $797.50 $797.50
Provincial income tax before LIFT credit H $1,226.75 $805.34
Less LIFT credit (lesser of G, G2 and H) I ($612.94) ($797.50)
Ontario health premium J 404.48 300.00
Net provincial income tax payable H - I + J   $1,018.29 $307.84

Other Resources:

Enhanced Canada Pension Plan

Low-income Workers Tax Credit (known as Low-Income Individuals and Families Tax (LIFT) Credit) - on Ontario website

Revised: September 20, 2024


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