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Ontario Personal Tax Credits
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Ontario Personal Tax Credits

Non-Refundable Personal Tax Credits Tables - federal & all provinces and territories

Ontario Non-Refundable Personal Tax Credits

Dividend Tax Credits

Ontario Low-income Individuals and Families (LIFT) Tax Credit

Ontario Tax Reduction

Refundable Personal Tax Credits

Ontario Seniors Care at Home Refundable Tax Credit - new for 2022

Ontario Staycation Refundable Tax Credit - for 2022 tax year only

Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Refundable Tax Credit - for 2021/2022 only

Ontario Jobs Training Refundable Tax Credit - for 2021/2022 only

Ontario Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) Tax Credit

Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit

Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) and Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant (OSHPTG)

Tax Tip:  File a tax return even if you have no income, to get the refundable tax credits.

Prior Refundable Tax Credits

Ontario Non-Refundable Personal Tax Credits

For information on the amounts of most non- refundable tax credits available to Ontario residents, see the non-refundable personal tax credits tables.

Dividend Tax Credits

Ontario Low-income Individuals and Families (LIFT) Tax Credit - also known as Low-Income Workers Tax Credit

Ontario Tax Reduction - Form ON428 Line 80

Ontario Taxation Act, 2007 s. 20
bullet available to low income individuals and families
bullet amount received depends on ON tax otherwise payable
bulletamounts for dependent children and dependants with a mental or physical infirmity must be claimed by the spouse with higher net income for tax purposes
bulletamount can be claimed for spouse with a mental or physical infirmity only if all or part of the disability tax credit is being transferred from the spouse.
bullet cannot be claimed by an individual who was not resident in Canada at the beginning of the year.  Thus, it is not available to new immigrants.
bullet cannot exceed ON tax payable (not refundable)

The amounts that can be claimed for the tax reduction are increased by inflation each year in the same manner as other Ontario tax credits. The amounts for 2024 are:

bullet$286 basic amount for taxpayer
bullet$529 for:
bulleteach dependent child under 19
bulleteach dependant with a mental or physical impairment
bulletspouse with a disability

The above amounts are totalled and then doubled. The amount that can be claimed is the doubled amount less the Ontario tax after surtax. The result cannot be negative.

The tax reduction for dependents under age 19 is not shown on the Ontario TD1 forms, so employees or pensioners will have to provide the employer or payer with a written request to include such amounts.

See Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) form ON428 from the  Ontario General Income Tax and Benefit Package page for detailed calculation. The result of the calculation is on Line 80.

For information from the Government of Ontario, see Ontario Tax Reduction.

Ontario Refundable Tax Credits

These are refundable to an individual even if no income tax was paid.

Every individual's situation is different, so check CRA form ON479 from the  Ontario General Income Tax and Benefit Package page to see if you qualify for these credits.

Ontario Seniors Care at Home Refundable Tax Credit

Ontario Taxation Act, 2007 s. 103.0.6

Note:  Whether the senior lives at home, with someone else, or in a care home does not affect eligibility for this credit.

bulletEffective January 1, 2022
bulletCredit of 25% of claimable medical expenses up to $6,000, for a maximum credit of $1,500
bulletReduced by 5% of family net income over $35,000
bulletFully phased out by at most $65,000
bulletFamily net income test is same for singles and couples
bulletCredit is in addition to the non-refundable federal and Ontario medical expense tax credits
bulletWill be based on medical expenses claimed for the existing Ontario Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC)
bulletEligibility requirements:
bulletAge 70+ in the year, or have a spouse or common-law partner age 70+ in the year; and
bulletResident in Ontario at the end of the tax year
bulletThresholds and base amount are not adjusted annually for inflation.

This tax credit is included in the Detailed Canadian Tax & RRSP Savings Calculator, and is based on the total medical expenses and the age of the individual.  No additional input is required.

See Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit on the Ontario website.

Ontario Staycation Refundable Tax Credit

Taxation Act, 2007 s. 103.0.5(5)
bulletfor the 2022 tax year only
bulletpersonal income tax (PIT) credit of 20% of eligible 2022 accommodation expenses of up to $1,000 for an individual and $2,000 for a family
bulletmaximum credit of $200 for an individual or $400 for a family
bulletto be claimed on 2022 tax returns
bulletrefundable, so applies even if no tax owed for 2022

See Ontario Staycation Tax Credit on the Ontario website.

Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Refundable Tax Credit

bulletInitially meant to be for 2021 only
bullet2021 Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review extended this credit by 1 year to 2022.

Jobs Training Refundable Tax Credit

bulletInitially meant to be for 2021 only
bullet2021 Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review extended this credit by 1 year to 2022.

Ontario Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) Tax Credit

Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit

Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) and Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant (OSHPTG)

Tax Tip:  File a tax return even if you have no income, to get the refundable tax credits.

Prior Refundable Tax Credits

Children's Activity Tax Credit - eliminated for 2017 and later taxation years

Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit - eliminated for 2017 and later taxation years

Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit

bulletreplaced by Ontario Trillium Benefit

See also:

Provincial tax credits paid with the GST/HST credit

Ontario Sales and Property Tax Credit

The Ontario 2009 Budget replaced the combined Sales and Property Tax Credit with two separate credits, the Sales Tax Credit and Property Tax Credit.  They were both then replaced by Ontario Trillium Benefit.

Ontario Budget Website information:

Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit (pdf) - from 2010 budget - see page number 159 (page 185 of the pdf).

Revised: July 20, 2024


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