TaxTips.ca Home -> RRSPs RRIFs and TFSAs -> Withholding tax on RRIF and RRSP withdrawalsWhat Tax is Deducted From RRIF or RRSP Withdrawals?Income Tax Regulations s. 103(4)
Net RRSP Withdrawal Will Be After Tax Tax Withheld is Like a Tax Instalment RRSP/RRIF Withdrawals Withholding Tax Rate Quebec RRSP Withdrawals Withholding Tax Rate Non-resident RRSP Withdrawals Withholding Tax Rate Multiple Lump-Sum Withdrawals From RRSP or RRIF RRIF Withdrawal Withholding Tax Fees on RRSP or RRIF Withdrawals Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources Net RRSP Withdrawal Will Be After TaxRRSP withdrawal amounts, including any tax paid on the withdrawal, are included in taxable income on Line 12900 of the tax return (RRSP income). The withholding tax must be deducted from the "payment", so this means that the amount net of tax must be transferred out of the account. The tax cannot be paid after the transfer of the withdrawal, it must be deducted as part of the withdrawal transaction. This means that if an in kind withdrawal of securities is done, there must be sufficient cash in the registered account to pay the withholding tax. Example: In kind withdrawal of securities, with a taxable withdrawal amount of $20,000:
Goal is to have $20,000 of securities withdrawn:
Tax Withheld is Like a Tax InstalmentThe withholding tax amounts deducted from your withdrawals are only estimates of what you will owe in taxes. The amounts withheld will show on your tax return on line 43700 as taxes already remitted, just like an income tax instalment. The total withdrawal amount including w/h tax will be included in your taxable income. Your total taxable income will determine the total taxes payable. This may result in more or less taxes being payable. RRSP/RRIF Withdrawals Withholding Tax RateThe following are the withholding tax rates for RRSP withdrawals or for withdrawals from a RRIF in excess of the minimum amount:
Quebec RRSP Withdrawals Withholding Tax Rate(1) For a single withdrawal from RRSP funds held in the province of Quebec, there will be 14% (15% prior to 2023) provincial income tax withheld, in addition to the above 5%, 10% or 15% federal tax withheld. See Revenue Quebec's Payments from an RRSP. a VRSP, a PRPP or a RRIF. Non-resident RRSP Withdrawals Withholding Tax RateNote that for non-residents of Canada, the withholding tax rate is 25%, but can be reduced by a tax treaty. Multiple Lump-Sum Withdrawals From RRSP or RRIFWhen an individual makes a single request for more than one withdrawal, in the form of instalments, it is Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) position that the withholding tax rate should be based on the total of these withdrawals. When a RRIF annuitant receives monthly instalment payments and makes a series of requests for additional withdrawals in a short period of time, it is the CRA position that the withholding tax rate should be based on the total of additional withdrawals. They also indicate that payers should use their discretion in determining the rate. For further information on this topic, see the CRA document Withholding tax on payments from a RRIF (link at bottom). See also Question 14 from the 2003 RRSP/RRIF Consultation Session, Withholdings on Multiple Withdrawals. From that question:
There was also a 2008 consultation, and Q24 addressed the same topic, saying: Question 24 Does the CRA have any plans to change the lump-sum withholding tax rates that apply to multiple withdrawals made over a short period of time, such as adding a threshold after which all withdrawals in the same year would be subject to the higher withholding rate? Answer 24 No. We have no plans to change the calculation of how tax should be withheld in respect of multiple withdrawals from an RRSP or a RRIF over a short period of time. The information about tax withholding at the end of the answer to question 7, Withholding tax on payments from a RRIF (link at bottom) continues to apply. RRIF Withdrawal Withholding TaxIncome Tax Act s. 153(1)(l), Regulations s. 103(4), 103(6)(d.1)No tax is withheld when the minimum amount is withdrawn from a RRIF. When withdrawals in excess of the minimum amount are made, the above RRSP lump sum withholding tax rates apply, but only on the excess over the minimum amount. For further information on this topic, see the CRA document Withholding tax on payments from a RRIF (link at bottom). For Quebec, the amount withheld from a single payment from a RRIF will be 16% of the amount exceeding the minimum amount. The withdrawal from the RRIF is included in the taxpayer's taxable income, so depending on the individual's circumstances, tax may be payable when the tax return is filed. In 2020, tax was only withheld from withdrawals that were in excess of the original unreduced minimum amount. The minimum withdrawal amount was waived in 2007 for RRIF owners who turned 70 or 71 in 2007, and in 2008 for RRIF owners who turned 71 in 2008. However, withdrawals up to the normal minimum withdrawal amount were still not subject to withholding tax. Fees on RRSP or RRIF WithdrawalsThere may be fees charged by your brokerage or financial institution when a withdrawal is made from an RRSP or RRIF. These fees are not tax deductible. This applies if they are paid by the RRSP or RRIF or from a non-registered account. TaxTips.ca ResourcesWithholding Tax on Foreign Dividends How are RRSPs and RRIFs Tax at Death?CRA warnings regarding schemes which promise tax-free RRSP or RRIF withdrawals. Get your money out of RRSPs tax-free (sort of) - to see how you can shelter your RRSP withdrawals to save tax Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) ResourcesTax Rates on WithdrawalsWithholding tax on payments from a RRIF Tax Tip: Get INDEPENDENT advice from a tax professional before investing in tax-saving "schemes" that promise to get your money out of your RRSP without paying tax.
Revised: May 28, 2024 |
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