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British Columbia Budgets
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BC Budgets

All budget provisions are subject to legislative approval.

BC 2024 Budget - Thursday, February 22, 2024

BC 2023 Budget - February 28, 2023

BC 2023 Budget - on BC Government website

Fiscal measures proposed:

bulletCarbon tax is increasing April 1, 2023 by $15 per tonne
bulletRe carbon tax: Implement an output-based pricing system for large industrial operations
bulletClimate action tax credit will also increase with the carbon tax increase
bulletBC Family Benefit increase
bulletHome Owner Grant threshold increased to $2.125 million from $1.975 million
bulletExtend farmers' food donation tax credit and interactive digital media tax credit
bulletIntroduce an income-tested renter's tax credit
bulletPartial exemption from property transfer tax for new purpose-built rental buildings
bulletPST exemption for automated external defibrillators (AEDs) - this begs the question of why there was PST on them in the first place!

Legislation introduced: Bill 10, Budget Measures implementation Act, 2023 - this includes a provision that they do not have to balance the budget until the 2026-2027 fiscal year, even though the economy is doing well now.

BC 2022 Budget - February 22, 2022

BC 2021 Budget - April 20, 2021

BC Economic Recovery Plan - September 17, 2020

BC 2020 Budget - February 18, 2020

BC 2019 Budget - February 19, 2019

BC 2018 Budget - February 20, 2018

BC 2017 Budget Update - September 11, 2017

BC 2017 Budget - February 21, 2017

BC 2016 Budget

BC 2015 Budget

BC 2014 Budget

BC 2013 Budget

BC 2012 Budget - February 21, 2012

2011 Budget & Fiscal Plan

 - on Ministry of Finance Website, no personal or corporate income tax changes, but did announce a 6% increase to Medical Services Plan premiums to take effect January 1, 2012.

 - Budget & Fiscal Plan Part 2 Tax Measures

2011 Tax Relief announced October 2010 - suspended November 17, 2010

2010 Budget & Fiscal Plan - on Ministry of Finance Website

2009 September Budget Update

2009 Budget

October 2008 Economic plan

2008 Budget

2007 Budget

Revised: June 30, 2024



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