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Links & Resources - Canadian Tax and Financial Information

If you want to be retired at 50, read this!

How can help you?

Our Free In 30! page will provide you with the plan we have used in our life to attain financial freedom.  We haven't always followed the plan, but we managed to retire at fifty after starting married life with nothing.  Okay, we're not retired anymore - this website is pretty much a full-time job!

See our Site Map for a list of all the main web pages on our site.  To easily find any topic on our site, type your search term into the search box under the page title near the top of any page.

The resources on our site include the following financial planning and income tax planning information and tools:

Canadian income tax calculators (including the Detailed Canadian Income Tax Calculator, and the super simple Basic Income Tax Calculator (enhanced), RRSP & RRIF withdrawal calculators, mortgage and other calculators to help you determine how much tax you will pay,  how long your money will last, and how to cut your interest costs.  

Our Detailed Canadian Income Tax Calculators include employment income, dividend income and dividend tax credits, capital gains and other income, as well as most tax deductions and personal tax credits.  CPP and EI premiums are also calculated by our income tax calculators.

Get Out of Debt Now! - This is the most important advice we can give you.

Canadian income tax information - tax laws and how they apply.

Income tax rates (marginal tax rate tables) for every province and territory, with tax brackets and tax rates.

Non-refundable personal tax credit tables for Canada, provinces and territories.

RRSPs and RRIFs - information and rules regarding contributions, holdings and withdrawals.

Government Benefits, Programs and Services - Links to information on services provided by the federal and provincial/territorial governments, for seniors, persons with disabilities, low-income, children, families, students and others.

Information on investing in stocks, bonds etc., including the tax consequences of different investments.

Real estate information, including what happens if you rent out part of your home, build a new house for resale, or move into a home that you previously held as a rental property.

Resources for seniors

Resources for persons with disabilities

Sales tax information, including GST, HST and provincial retail sales taxes.  

Business page which provides links to tax forms, information on setting up a business, rules re business expenses including automobiles, and automobile taxable benefits, corporate income tax rates, and much more.

COVID-19 Resources, Financial Support

We hope the information on our website will make you a better money manager, and help you become financially independent.

Tax Tip:  Make your money work for you instead of you working for it, and get out of non-tax-deductible debt as quickly as possible.

Revised: September 20, 2024


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