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Home  ->  Financial Planning -> Investing - Stocks and bonds

Investing - Stocks, Bonds and Other Investments

Investment Return Calculator - Calculate the return for any period for your investment account, or for an individual investment.  The calculator could also be used to calculate the return on real estate investments.

Investment Income Tax Calculator - Even when the age credit and Old Age Security are clawed back, Canadian dividends and capital gains result in the least taxes payable when compared to other types of income such as foreign dividends and interest, or net real estate rentals.

Investing For Financial Independence

Adjusted Cost Base (ACB), or Cost Basis

Moving Investments to Another Brokerage

Buy investments and hold them forever

How much money do you need to retire?


Currency risk

Historic returns on stocks and other investments

Recommended stocks/ETFs for inside or outside of your RRSP or TFSA

Beyond ETFs

Call Options and Put Options

Barter and Cryptocurrency Transactions - These can result in taxable income, as well as sales taxes payable.

Borrow to invest in stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

Washing trades can reduce your foreign exchange costs inside registered accounts.

Should I hold my investments in a holding company?

Investing and Registered vs Non-Registered Accounts

Investing in RRSPs or in a non-registered account - which is better?

Which investments should be held inside vs outside the RRSP?

What investments can be held in an RRSP?

Transfer shares to your RRSP/TFSA/DPSP or RRIF, but not at a loss (usually)! / Superficial losses.

Get money out of your RRSPs/RRIFs tax-free (sort of)

Investments and Income Tax

Tax issues re investments, and tax treatment of different types of investments - and important note re your T5008 and Trading Summary!

Investment income tax rates - Try to earn your investment income (outside of RRSPs) at the lowest tax rate possible.

Reporting foreign dollar transaction amounts on your tax return

Table of historical US$ - Cdn$ year end and average exchange rates

Foreign asset reporting - form T1135 Foreign Income Verification Statement

Foreign tax credit (non-business)

Dividend tax credit for Canadian dividends

Transfer shares to your RRSP/TFSA/DPSP or RRIF, but not at a loss! Re Superficial losses.

Investment losses - Make use of them.

Superficial losses and other disallowed losses

Transfer capital losses to a spouse

Lend money to your spouse or minor child for investing

Capital gains and losses

Non-Capital Losses

Worthless shares or debt

Donating capital property, including securities, can eliminate capital gains or increase your donations limit

Foreign spin-offs - Tax deferral for distributions.

Investing Expenses

Interest expense on money borrowed to purchase stocks and bonds (securities) - can I write it off?

Carrying charges - what can and cannot be deducted regarding investment expenses?

Tax Tip:  Know the tax consequences of your investment decisions.

Revised: May 24, 2024



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