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2023 Tax Comparison Investment Income - Dividends vs Interest
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2023 Tax Comparison of Canadian Dividends vs Interest

The tables on this page compare taxes payable by province/territory in 2023 for three different types of investment income:

Canadian eligible dividends

Canadian non-eligible Canadian dividends, and 

other investment income such as foreign dividends and interest.

The calculations assume that:

bulletthe income is earned by a single person, and
bulletthere is no other type of income included in taxable income.


bulletThe Climate Action Incentive (CAI) is not included.
bullet ON provincial tax includes Ontario Health Premium.
bullet QC total tax is net of the refundable federal tax abatement.
bullet QC provincial tax includes progressive health contribution and prescription drug premiums (for both spouses in married person case).

The tax rates used are as known on June 8, 2023.  The total taxes payable include any alternative minimum tax, where applicable.

Taxes Payable on Eligible Dividends

Note:  Eligible dividends gross-up % is 38%, as it has been since 2012.

The NT & NU refundable amounts are from their cost of living tax credits.
2023 Taxes on Eligible Dividends
Actual $20,000 $70,000 $120,000 $200,000
Taxable 27,600 96,600 165,600 276,000
AB 0 2,999 12,145 31,701
BC 0 2,971 10,632 26,019
MB 0 6,360 20,584 44,307
NB 0 3,470 11,241 28,122
NL 0 8,283 22,966 50,285
NS 0 7,478 21,766 48,329
NT (507) 2,271 9,986 23,461
NU (552) 1,713 10,933 31,022
ON 300 3,915 13,705 37,910
PE 0 5,086 17,137 37,154
QC 762 5,058 21,009 48,985
SK 0 3,320 11,165 28,374
YT 0 3,163 10,867 24,403

Taxes Payable on Non-Eligible Dividends

Note:  Non-eligible dividends gross-up % is 15%, as it has been since 2019.

The NT & NU refundable amounts are from their cost of living tax credits.
2023 Taxes on Non-Eligible Dividends
Actual $20,000 $70,000 $120,000 $200,000
Taxable 23,000 80,500 138,000 230,000
AB 0 8,243 21,055 48,373
BC 0 6,858 20,633 51,313
MB 684 11,384 29,254 62,295
NB 0 9,739 25,374 57,182
NL 0 9,838 25,367 56,807
NS 325 11,475 28,029 61,933
NT (450) 3,107 14,215 39,021
NU (460) 3,839 15,403 40,651
ON 180 7,143 22,336 54,912
PE 468 12,061 29,668 63,007
QC 310 12,053 30,744 66,346
SK 76 9,568 23,861 52,937
YT 358 8,407 22,106 50,586

Taxes Payable on Other Income - (foreign dividends, interest, etc.)
2023 Taxes on Other Income
Actual $20,000 $70,000 $120,000 $200,000
Taxable 20,000 70,000 120,000 200,000
AB 750 14,065 30,045 61,439
BC 750 12,744 28,649 62,755
MB 1,261 15,752 34,985 70,852
NB 750 15,599 34,071 69,631
NL 750 16,008 34,720 70,346
NS 1,449 17,222 36,787 74,484
NT 539 11,959 28,081 60,580
NU 433 10,422 25,167 55,178
ON 1,024 13,553 31,105 67,758
PE 1,111 16,471 36,117 72,760
QC 1,117 17,084 37,327 76,486
SK 995 15,067 32,297 65,403
YT 1,070 13,118 28,850 60,221

Canadian Dividends Not Best For All Situations

Sometimes the dividend gross-up can increase net income enough to cause a loss or reduction of other government benefits, such as GIS, GST/HST credit, Pharmacare or other benefits.

Tax Tip:  Interest and foreign dividends are not as tax-efficient as Canadian dividends!

Revised: March 19, 2024


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