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Federal Budgets and Related Resources

Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2025 Budget

The deadline for submitting written briefs through the committee’s website is no later than Friday, August 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Written briefs must be no longer than 2,000 words and should adhere to the following template. All text contained in the written brief, including – but not limited to – graphs, quotes, images and footnotes will count towards the limit of 2,000 words. Only one written brief per organization or individual will be accepted. Written briefs that do not meet these requirements may not be considered by the committee. Following translation, the written briefs will be posted on the committee’s website. All those who submit a written brief will be considered as having made a request to appear.

2024 Federal Budget - Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Federal Budgets and Economic Updates

COVID-19 Financial Relief for Canadians - Legislation

Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer

Parliamentary Budget Office COVID-19 Analysis

Federal Debt

Consulting with Canadians

Budget-Related Resources

Department of Finance Budget website

Prior Budgets

Department of Finance draft legislation

Parliament of Canada - Bills

House of Commons Sitting Calendar

ParlVU - Live streaming of House of Commons proceedings and public committees.  Prior videos can be viewed by going to Calendar-Day/Month and choosing a date on which the House of Commons was in session.

Hansard - official record of what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons - very frustrating/disappointing to read much of the time

Fiscal Monitor - monthly reports

Fiscal Reference Tables

Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Canada

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act R.S.C., 1985, C. F-8 - re equalization payments to provinces, health transfers, sales tax harmonization, etc.

Canadian Government News Releases

Department of Finance News Releases

Department of Finance Archived News Releases

Financial Data

Parliamentary Budget Officer - independent analysis to Parliament on the state of the nation's finances, the government's estimates and trends in the Canadian economy; and upon request, estimates the cost of any proposal under Parliament's jurisdiction.

Government of Canada Infobase - interactive data-visualization tool, information on government finances, people, and results.  Contains years worth of federal government data.

Federal Budgets & Related Legislation

2024 Federal Budget - Tuesday, April 16, 2024

2023 Fall Economic Statement - November 21, 2023

2023 Federal Budget - March 28, 2023

2022 Federal Budget & Fall Economic Statement - November 3, 2022

2021 Economic and Fiscal Update - December 14, 2021

2021 Federal Budget - April 19, 2021

2020 Federal Budget

2020 Fall Economic Statement - November 30, 2020

2020 Economic and Fiscal Snapshot - July 8, 2020

2019 Legislative Proposals

2019 Federal Budget - March 19, 2019

2018 Fall Economic Statement - November 21, 2018

2018 and Earlier Federal Budgets

2024 Federal Budget - April 16, 2024

2023 Fall Economic Statement (FES) - November 21, 2023

There is no plan for a balanced budget at any time in the future. Projected Budgetary Deficits:

bullet2022-23 $43.0 billion
bullet2023-24 $40.1 billion
bullet2024-25 $35.0 billion
bullet2025-26 $26.8 billion
bullet2026-27 $15.8 billion
bullet2027-28 $14.0 billion

See Canada's debt charges are ballooning as Freeland tables a gloomy fall economic statement, which states The federal debt has doubled from $619.3 billion in 2015-16, the first year of Trudeau's government, to $1.2 trillion last year. It's expected to climb to $1.4 trillion by 2028-29.

Legislation Tabled Subsequent to the FES:

December 2023 Draft Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes

bulletInvestment Tax Credits for Clean Hydrogen and Clean Technology Manufacturing
bulletConcessional Loans
bulletShort-Term Rentals
bulletInternational Shipping

Bill C-59, Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023

bulletNotice of Ways and Means Motion and Explanatory Notes

Proposed Changes to Underused Housing Tax:

bulletspecified Canadian corporations, partnerships and trusts will not have to file the UHT return, starting with the return for the 2023 calendar year (must still file for the 2022 calendar year) - legislation not tabled as of Feb 29/24, but definition of excluded owner modified in form UHT-2900 to effect this change.
bulletminimum penalties reduced
bulletfor individuals - to $1,000 from $5,000 per failure to file
bulletfor non-individuals - to $2,000 from $10,000 per failure to file.
bulletSee Underused Housing Tax in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement.

Proposal to Crack Down on Non-Compliant Short-Term Rentals

Non-legislated Measure - New Canadian Mortgage Charter

Introduction of The New Canadian Mortgage Charter. This is not law and will not be enacted into law. It simply provides guidelines that Canadian financial institutions are expected to follow. Most of the rules in it are based on the Guideline on Existing Consumer Mortgage Loans in Exceptional Circumstances, from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

For information on more tax measures, see Baker Tilly 2023 Fall Economic Statement: Tax Measures.

Department of Finance: 2023 Fall Economic Statement

2023 Federal Budget - March 28, 2023

2022 Federal Budget & Fall Economic Statement

2021 Economic and Fiscal Update - December 14, 2021

 - above is link to the Federal Budget website.

There was no mention of a change to the capital gains inclusion rate.

Bill C-8, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic and fiscal update, received Royal Assent June 9, 2022, including the following measures:

bulletIncome Tax Act and Regulations:
bulletsmall business air quality improvement tax credit
bulletexpanding the travel component of the northern residents deduction
bulletenhanced support for teachers
bulletnew refundable tax credit to return fuel charge proceeds to farming businesses in backstop jurisdictions
bulletUnderused Housing Tax Act enacted
bulletDraft regulations under the Underused Housing Tax Act and draft legislation re amendments to the Underused Housing Tax Act were released for consultation on August 9, 2022.
bulletProvision for a 6-year limitation or prescription period for recovery of amounts owing re CEBA loan program established by Export Development Canada
bulletAuthorization of payments to be made for supporting ventilation improvement projects in schools
bulletAuthorization of payments to be made to provinces & territories for support of COVID-19 proof-of-vaccination initiatives
bulletAuthorization of payments re government expenses incurred re COVID-19 tests.
bulletEmployment Insurance Act amendments to specify maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid in a benefit period to certain seasonal workers.

Tax Measures Proposed

bulletEnhancing the home office expense deduction
bulletextending the simplified rules for deducting home office expenses and increasing the maximum temporary flat rate to $500 annually.  This will apply to the 2021 and 2022 tax years.
bulletEnhanced support for teachers
bulletrefundable tax credit rate increased to 25%
bulletlist of eligible goods expanded
bulletapplicable to the 2021 and subsequent taxation years
bulletNote: Although this is available in certified tax software, it could not be claimed until Bill C-8 received Royal Assent on June 9, 2022.
bulletSmall Business Air Quality Improvement Tax Credit
bulletrefundable tax credit 25% of eligible entity qualifying expenditures
bulletmaximum of $10,000 qualifying expenditures per qualifying location, maximum $50,000 across all qualifying locations
bulletfor qualifying expenditures incurred between September 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022
bulleteligible entities include
bulletunincorporated sole proprietors
bulletCanadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) with taxable capital employed in Canada of less than $15 million in the tax year immediately preceding tax year in which expenditure is incurred. Taxable capital of associated corporations is also counted for this purpose.
bulletmembers of a partnership that are qualifying corporations or individuals (other than trusts), and would be based on their proportionate interest in the partnership.
bulletqualifying expenditures include
bulletexpenses directly attributable to the purchase, installation, upgrade or conversion of mechanical heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
bulletpurchase of devices designed to filter air using high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
bulletsee further information about qualifying expenditures from the link above.
bulletUnderused Housing Tax
bulletannual 1% tax on value of non-resident, non-Canadian owned residential real estate in Canada that is considered to be vacant or underused
bulletsome exemptions would be available
bulleteffective for the 2022 calendar year
bulletUnderused Housing Tax return for the 2022 calendar year would be required to be filed with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on or before April 30, 2023, with tax payable due on or before that date.
bulletReturning proceeds from pollution pricing directly to farmers
bulletreturn fuel charge proceeds directly to farming business in backstop jurisdictions via a refundable tax credit, starting for the 2021-22 fuel charge year
bulletavailable to corporations, individuals and trusts that are actively engaged in the management or day-to-day activities of earning income from farming, and incur total farming expenses of $25,000 or more
bulletpayment rate will be specified by the Minister of Finance for the fuel charge year
bulletcredits would be included in the taxable income of the business in the tax year the credit is claimed
bulletpayment rates per $1,000 in eligible farming expenses:
bullet$1.47 for 2021
bullet$1.73 for 2022
bulletWill be claimed (eventually) on Form T2043 for a claim by self-employed farmers or individuals who are members of a partnership operating a farming business with a permanent establishment in one or more of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
bulletAlthough the form is available for individuals, and is included in certified tax software, it could not be claimed until Bill C-8 received Royal Assent on June 9, 2022.
bulletNo form is available as yet for corporations, but it is expected that a form will be available by June.
bulletsee above link for more information on eligible farming expenses.

November 2021 Legislation Tabled

Bill C-2 An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19 received Royal Assent December 17, 2021 with the following provisions:

Business Supports

bulletCanada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) extended until May 7, 2022, with increased subsidy rate.
bulletTargeted supports:
bulletTourism and Hospitality Recovery Program, with subsidy rate of up to 75%.
bulletHardest-Hit Business Recovery Program, with wage and rent subsidy rates up to 50%.
bulletLocal Lockdown Program, for businesses facing temporary new local lockdowns

Worker Supports

bulletExtend Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) and Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) until May 7, 2022 and increase duration of each by 2 weeks.
bulletNew Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit to provide $300 per week in income support to workers impacted by a COVID-19-related public health lockdown in their region, up until May 7, 2022.  This benefit is retroactive to October 24, 2021.

November 24, 2021 News Release re above.


2021 Federal Budget - April 19, 2021


2020 Federal Budget

The 2020 Federal Budget was scheduled to be tabled Monday, March 30, 2020, but was postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.  However, 5 bills have been tabled, with 3 receiving Royal Assent.

2020 Fall Economic Statement - November 30, 2020

The 2020-2021 deficit is expected to reach $381.6 billion, and deficits in the billions are expected to continue until at least 2025-2026.  There is no mention of debt reduction or balanced budgets.

No changes to personal or corporate income tax were introduced.

See the Video Tax News summary of measures in the Fall Economic Statement.

For more detail, see:

Fall Economic Statement - Department of Finance

 - Full Report in pdf format - Table of Contents has hyperlinks to the topics, which is quite helpful.  Legislative proposals start at page 200.

 - Tax Measures:  Supplementary Information

 - Moodys Tax blog: Tax Announcements in the November 30, 2020 Federal Government Fall Economic Statement

Bill C-14, Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2020, was tabled on Dec 2, 2020, to implement measures announced in the Economic Statement.  See the News Release.  Bill C-14 provides for the government to increase total borrowing under the Borrowing Authority Act to $1.831 trillion.  The maximum borrowing allowed in 2018 was $1.168 trillion.

Bill C-14 received Royal Assent on May 6, 2021.

See Parliamentary Budget Officer information on The Borrowing Authority Act and Measures of Federal Debt. Resources re Fall Economic Statement measures:

bulletCanada Child Benefit - 2021 additional benefits
bulletHome Office Expense Deduction - simplified

The Throne Speech was delivered on September 23, 2020, outlining in general the government proposals.  See a good summary of the proposals prepared by Video Tax News.

See information on Bill C-2 tabled September 24, 2020, which includes 3 benefits to replace CERB, as well as a provision to give the Government authority to spend up to $17.1 billion on specific measures from Oct-Dec 2020.

July 8, 2020 Economic and Fiscal Snapshot

The Economic and Fiscal Snapshot summarized all COVID-19 financial relief.  The deficit is projected to be $343.2 billion for the 2020-21 fiscal year.  There were no tax changes announced.  We've updated the estimated March 31, 2021 interest-bearing debt amount in our Federal Debt article.

2019 Legislative Proposals

Amateur Athletic Trusts

December 20, 2019 Notice of Ways and Means Motion and Explanatory Notes to extend the maturation period of these trusts from eight years to nine years.  Trusts that would mature in 2019 would now mature in 2020.

Personal Tax Credits

December 9, 2019 Notice of Ways and Means Motion and Explanatory Notes re increases for 2020 and subsequent years to the

 - basic personal amount - details of amounts in future years

 - spousal amount and

 - eligible dependant amount

These changes also automatically affect Yukon territorial income tax due to the wording of their Income Tax Act.  The Yukon government has not indicated whether they will amend their legislation so that the changes do not affect Yukon territorial tax.

The Detailed Canadian Tax and RRSP Savings Calculator for 2019/2020 has been revised to include the proposed legislation.  These proposals are subject to legislative approval.  We have included them because the Bloc have indicated they will support the minority government on this change.  We have not included the same change for the Yukon territorial income tax yet.

2019 Federal Budget March 19, 2019

2018 Fall Economic Statement November 21, 2018 - on Department of Finance website.  Main points:

    - No personal income tax changes

    - full immediate cost write-off for machinery and equipment purchased after November 20, 2018 and used in the manufacturing and processing of goods

    - full immediate cost write-off for specified clean energy equipment purchased after November 20, 2018

    - $800 million to be added to the Strategic Innovation Fund over 5 years, with $100 million to be focussed on providing support to the forest sector.

    - See November 21, 2018 Notice of Ways and Means Motion and Explanatory Notes for more details.

2018 and Earlier Federal Budgets

2018 Federal Budget February 27, 2018 and Subsequent Legislation

2017 Small Business Tax Changes - Tax On Split Income / Income Sprinkling

2018 Federal Budget - Pre-Budget Consultations - on Department of Finance website.  No end date for the consultation period has yet been announced.

2017 Fall Economic Statement October 24, 2017

2017 Federal Budget - March 22, 2017 and July 18, 2017 Proposed Tax Changes for Private Corporations

2016 Fall Economic Statement November 1, 2016 - on Department of Finance Budget website

2016 Federal Budget March 22, 2016

Legislative Proposals Prior to 2016 Budget

2015 Liberal Party Platform

2015 Federal Budget April 21, 2015

October 2014 Federal Update - new Family Tax Cut, UCCB increased, Child Tax Credit eliminated, Child Care Expense Deduction increased

2014 Federal Budget / Economic Action Plan February 11, 2014

2013 Federal Budget / Economic action plan - March 21, 2013

2012 Federal Budget - March 29, 2012 - and subsequent legislation

2011 Federal Budget - June 6, 2011

2010 Federal Budget

2009 Federal Budget - Canada's Economic Action Plan

2008 Federal Budget and 2008 Economic and Fiscal Statement

2007 Federal Budget

2006 Federal Budget

Revised: June 25, 2024


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