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2019 Life in the Tax Lane Videos
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2019 Life in the Tax Lane from Video Tax News

We're pleased to be able to share these informative videos from Video Tax News.  They are not too long, cover a wide range of topics, and are quite entertaining!  Once you view them, you can search our site for information on these or other topics - see the search box near the top of any page on our site.  The links under each video provide the sources for the information in the video.

The videos are 10-minute rapid-fire discussions of select recent developments in the wonderful world of Canadian tax presented by the Video Tax News Team, for Canadian Tax and Financial Professionals.

Life in the Tax Lane - December 2019

November 28, 2019


Investment Management Fees

Rental Property – Source of Income - Crocket v. The Queen 2019 TCC 203

Penalty – Repeated Failure to Report Income - Greenstreet v. The Queen 2019 TCC 237

Agency Relationship - Lohas Farm Inc. v. The Queen 2019 TCC 197

Represent a Client Updates – Deceased Taxpayers - CRA Digital Services Update - downloadable Power Point presentation - no longer available

Transparency of Corporate Ownership:

  - Tracking of Corporate Ownership Information - Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA)

  - Beneficial Ownership Disclosure - Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA)

  - United Kingdom - Companies House - Search for corporate information

Life in the Tax Lane - November 2019

October 25, 2019


    - Mobile Home/RV Park – Specified Investment Business - 1717398 Ontario Inc. (Lost Forest Park) v. The Queen

    - Travel Expenses – Shareholder-Employees - CRA re Shareholder-employees: Here's what you need to know about claiming employment expenses.

    - Payroll Audits - TI 2019-0798351C6 STEP 2019 - Q15 - CPP/EI Rulings

    - Charitable Registration Process – Online Only

    - Excluded Business – Large Dividends - TI 2019-0799911C6 STEP 2019 Q4 - TOSI & Meaning of Excluded Business

    - U.S. Expatriates – New Relief Procedures - IRS announcement Articles:

    - Specified Investment Business (SIB)

    - Employment Expenses Line 229

Life in the Tax Lane - October 2019

September 26, 2019


    - Denial of Employment Insurance Benefits – Misconduct - Nelson v. Canada (Attorney General), 2019 FCA 222

    - Property Flipping – Income or Capital - Wall v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 168

    - Employment Expenses – Commuting? - MacDonald v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 169

    - Shared-Custody Parents – Equal or Near Equal - Dept of Finance August 29, 2019 Articles:

    - Real Estate Sales - Are They Taxable? What about my Principal Residence?

    - Employee Motor Vehicle Travel Expenses

    - Government Child and Family Benefit Programs

Life in the Tax Lane - September 2019

August 29, 2019


    - Director’s Personal Liability for Negligence - Hall v Stewart, 2019 ABCA 98 (CanLII)

    - TFSA Overcontribution

          - Technical Interpretation 2017-0732391E5 Income on TFSA over-contributions

          - Gekas v. Canada (Attorney General), 2019 FC 1031

    - Overdrawn Shareholder Loans - Mazzaferro v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 147

    - Transfer of Life Insurance from a Corporation - Technical Interpretation 2019-0799051C6 2019 CLHIA Roundtable - ITA s. 148(7) questions

    - Represent a Client – New Format for Individual Accounts

    - IRS Compliance Campaign – Former Participants of U.S. Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program Articles:

    - Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs)

    - Shareholder Loans and their Tax Implications

Life in the Tax Lane - August 2019

August 6, 2019


    - Taxable Benefit – Parking Pass - Smith v. Canada, 2019 FCA 173

    - Stock Option Taxation Changes - Department of Finance June 17, 2019

    - Condo Sale – Income or Capital? - Bygrave v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 138

    - First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FHBI)

    - Taxpayer Relief – T1135 - Moore v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 141 Articles:

    - Employee Parking Provided by Employer

    - Federal 2019 Budget - Employee Stock Options

    - Real Estate Sales - Are They Taxable? What About My Principal Residence?

    - First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

    - Foreign Asset Reporting - Form T1135 Foreign Income Verification Statement

Life in the Tax Lane - July 2019

June 26, 2019


    - Virtual Currency – Taxable Supply?

    - Disability Tax Credit – Fee Restrictions

          - Canada Gazette Part 1 June 1, 2019

          - Canada Revenue Agency - Disability Advisory Committee

    - Interest Deductibility - Income Tax Folio S3-F6-C1

    - Unnamed Persons Request – Construction Industry - Canada (National Revenue) v. Roofmart Ontario Inc., 2019 FC 506

    - New Housing Rebate – Primary Place Residence - L'Écuyer v. the Queen, 2019 TCC 41

    - CRA Service Standards 2019-2020 Articles:

    - Barter and BitCoin Transactions Can Result in Taxable Income, and PST and GST/HST Payable

    - Disability Tax Credit (DTC) Promoters Restrictions Act Regulations

    - Interest Expense on Money Borrowed to Purchase Investments - Can I Write it Off? - including Disappearing Source rules

    - GST/HST Rebate for New Housing Purchases and Substantial Renovations

Life in the Tax Lane - June 2019

May 30, 2019


     - Zero-Emission Vehicle Purchase Incentive

           - Transport Canada Zero-emission Vehicles

           - Transport Canada - List of eligible vehicles under the iZEV Program

     - Health Spending Accounts – CRA Cautions

     - Taxable Benefits – Clothing Reimbursement - TI2018-0775391E5

     - Administrative Updates from CRA

     - Donation of Credit Card Loyalty Rebates

           - TI2017-0704951E5 Rebate Donation Program

           -  TI2018-0761161E5 Reward Donation Program Articles:

    - Zero-Emission Vehicle Incentive Program

    - Private Health Services Plan or Health Spending Account

    - Employment Expenses - Employee Clothing and Footwear

Life in the Tax Lane - May 2019

April 29, 2019


    - Project Bitcoin Investors

            - Forbes: Bitcoin investors targeted with audits by CRA

            - CRA Guide for cryptocurrency users and tax professionals

    - Rebate Incentive Income - Mikhail v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 49

    - Taxpayer Request - Reassessment for Statute-Barred Period - Revera Long Term Care Inc. v. Canada (National Revenue), 2019 FC 239

    - Data Breaches - Was Your Information Compromised?

    - Taxpayer Relief - Financial Hardship - Pathak v. Canada (National Revenue), 2019 FC 252 Articles:

    - Barter and BitCoin Transactions - can result in taxable income and PST and GST/HST payable

    - Taxpayer Relief Provisions (Fairness provisions)

Life in the Tax Lane - April 2019

March 29, 2019


    - Zero-Emission Vehicles – Budget 2019

    - T4A Slips

            - RC4157 Deducting income tax on pension and other income, and filing the T4A slip and summary

            - CRA T4A webinar (not yet available as of March 29, 2019)

    - Nominal Consideration - TI2018-0773301E5

    - Repairs and Maintenance

            - Capital Purchase vs Repair

            - Folio S3-F4-C1, General Discussion of Capital Cost Allowance

    - Housing Measures – Budget 2019

    - Shared Equity Mortgages (SEM)

    - Canada Training Credit – Budget 2019 Articles:

    - Federal 2019 Budget

            - Capital Cost Allowance for Zero Emission Vehicles - includes link to Budget 2019 information on the federal purchase incentive for zero emission vehicles

            - First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

            - Canada Training Credit

    - Gifts and Inheritances - When are they taxable?

    - Property Rental - Capital vs Expense

Life in the Tax Lane - March 2019

February 27, 2019


    - Carbon Tax and Climate Action Incentive Payment - Canada Revenue Agency Line 45110 (line 449 prior to 2019)

    - Allowances or Expense Reimbursements - TI 2017-0682891E5 Taxable Benefits

    - Valuation – Normal Reassessment Period - Lewin Estate v. The Queen 2019 TCC 21

    - OAS Deferral – Retroactive Application - Pike v. Canada (Attorney General) 2019 FC 135

    - Dedicated Telephone Service for Income Tax Service Providers

    - GST/HST New Housing Rebate

          - Sozio v. The Queen 2018 TCC 258 re GST/HST New Housing Rebate

          - Poirier v. The Queen 2019 TCC 8 re GST/HST New Rental Property Rebate Articles:

    - Climate Action Incentive and other provincial measures

    - Employment Expenses

    - Tax-Free Motor Vehicle Allowances

    - Old Age Security Pension and OAS Clawback

    - GST/HST Rebate for New Housing and Substantial Renovations

Life in the Tax Lane - February 2019

January 29, 2019


    - Principal Residence Exemption – Large Lots: Makosz v. The Queen, 2018 TCC 250

    - Maximum Deductible Automobile Allowances – 2019

    - Incentive Payment for Travel to Pick-up Site: McEachern v. The Queen, 2018 TCC 232

    - T5018 Forms (construction industry) – Penalties Being Assessed: Apex City Homes Limited Partnership v. The Queen, 2018 TCC 247

    - Shared Custody – Canada Child Benefit: Lavallee v. The Queen, 2018 TCC 213

    - CPA Canada – Full Tax System Review Needed Articles:

    - Principal Residence Exemption

    - Automobiles, Passenger Vehicles and Motor Vehicles - Tax Issues

    - Tax-Free (or Reduced Tax) Employee Benefits

Life in the Tax Lane - January 2019

December 28, 2018


    - TFSA – Contributions by Third Parties:

          - Technical Interpretation 2018-0739761E5 TFSA contributions

          - Technical Interpretation 2017-0731541E5 TFSA contributions

    - Expenses After Business Income Ceases: Tournier v. The Queen, 2018 TCC 229 

    - Tax on Split Income (TOSI): Technical Interpretation 2018-0771851E5 TOSI: Meaning of Reasonable Return

    - Passive Investment Income – Small Business Deduction Clawback: Bill C-74 Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1

    - Tracking of Corporate Ownership Information – Canada Business Corporations Act: Bill C-86 Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2 Articles:

    - Tax-Free Savings Account - 2019 contribution limit $6,000

    - What Expenses Can I Write Off Against My Business Income?

    - 2018 Federal Budget

    - Records Retention - What Books and Records Must be Kept by an Individual or a Business?


Prior Year Life in the Tax Lane Videos:

2018 Life in the Tax Lane Videos

2017 Life in the Tax Lane Videos

2015 & 2016 Life in the Tax Lane Videos

Revised: May 24, 2024


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