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Prov/Terr Budgets
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Home  ->  Provincial & Territorial Budgets

Provincial/Territorial Budgets

See also Federal Budgets and Related Resources.

The table below provides links to provincial/territorial budget web pages, as well as budget information elsewhere on our site. 

- link to main budget page
Budget Date Direct link to
taxation information
Alberta Feb 29, 2024 Summary on AB Budgets page 
British Columbia Feb 24, 2024 Summary on BC 2024 Budget page
Manitoba Apr 2, 2024 Summary on MB Budgets page
New Brunswick Mar 19, 2024 Summary on NB Budgets page
Newfoundland and Labrador   Mar 20, 2024 Summary on NL Budgets page
Northwest Territories May 24, 2024 Summary on NT page
Nova Scotia Feb 29, 2024 Summary on NS Budgets page
Nunavut Feb 26, 2024 Summary on NU Budgets page
Ontario Mar 26, 2024 Summary on ON Budgets page
Prince Edward Island Feb 29, 2024 Summary on PE Budgets page
Quebec Mar 12, 2024 Summary on QC Budgets page
Saskatchewan  Mar 20, 2024 Summary on SK Budgets page
Yukon Mar 7, 2024 No new tax measures for 2024

Planned 2024 Provincial/Territorial Elections

Public Service Commission of Canada Provincial/Territorial Election Calendar

Budget 2025 Consultations

No budget consultations for the 2025 Budget have yet been announced.

In British Columbia, under the Budget transparency and Accountability Act, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services holds an annual public consultation on the next provincial budget. However, the Act dictates that the consultation does not happen in the fourth calendar year following a provincial election. The last election was in 2020, so there is no consultation in 2024. A provincial election will be held on October 19, 2024. The consultation is expected to resume in 2025. This process is usually announced in May or June for the budget for the following year.

Revised: September 20, 2024



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